Thursday, August 27, 2009

almost 7 months!

I am finally posting some prego pictures. Here is the picture you have been waiting for! At almost 7 months now....Here is that stunning profile, as promised:

Yes, Daniel doesn't show any of the wear of the pregnancy. Me on the other hand:

It's popping. Our little parasite kicks a lot. But we still love Miss Maggie. (Full name: Margaret Naomi)


  1. Psst, Mel, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I'm pretty sure your prego. That's usually what a profile like that indicates.

    Always helpful,

  2. Wow!! You look great! Im super jealous that you look so dang cute at 7 months! Congrats and I cant wait to see baby :)

  3. Congrats! You look beautiful as always. Looking forward to seeing pics once your little girl arrives. Love you!

  4. I love it! You look fantastic. Can't wait for the next few months to fly by!

  5. You look so cure melanie. You are going to make a great mother im sure.

  6. I love how everyone else is talking about the pregnancy part of the pictures whereas I am going to say: YOU CUT YOUR HAIR?! Its cute. Promise. But that was the first thing that I noticed. Cute maternity dress as well. Hope life treats you magically and can't wait to see pics of baby Maggie!

  7. You look adorable! I can't believe your 7 months already, wow! crazy! I will forever remember the curbs of downtown and the mark you left....and I'm sure the onlookers will too =)'are awesome and both of you are going to be wonderful parents!!!

  8. i can't believe how little and gorgeous you look mel. honestly! you look fab. you're 7 months?!? ay ay ay - where did the time go?

    oh how i love you!!!

    hope to see you soon babe :)

  9. Mel I had no idea you were pregnant, congratulations! You look fabulous by the way!!

  10. Thank you for finally posting pictures like you promised! Yeah..and of course you look look fabulous every time I see you, especially with your arms laden with some nummy homemade dish. I pray that your glorious creativeness/domesticity is contagious.

    Love you.



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