Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'm not slacking. Just terribly busy.



This summer has been so full of wonderful moments, a growing child, lots of trips, and a lot of worked slammed in there too! I promise lots more photos coming soon... But I just wanted to show what keeps me mostly busy these days... maggie is mobile! ack!


  1. She is so cute, from either end. So glad she is back in her natural habitat where she is happiest. Thanks again for the visit! Love you.

  2. You're home! Welcome back...hope you had a great trip...we need to hang out soon. My Mom is here this week...we should grab lunch or something

  3. Ah! We need to have a catch up phonecall one of these nights! Call me when Mags has gone to sleep! Love ya!

  4. are you going to be in utah during christmas at all? maggie, have your mother answer me immediately.

  5. i cannot believe how big she is getting! she is adorable!



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