Tuesday, August 18, 2009

this and that

why I haven't been blogging:

1. trip to tetons
2. throwing up
2. trip to san diego & baja
3. trip to chicago & indiana
4. throwing up
5. lots of work (yay! I am more faithful on my work blog!!)
6. throwing up

ok so really I know I have never been that great at blogging, so lets just say that 6 months of pregnancy throwing up ( I have thrown up in so many states now! hehe) and work all day on the computer makes me less apt to blog... but I know I am overdue on some pictures. Sadly, I don't have too many pictures of me from this summer... apparently I have been camera shy. But I do have a lot of amazing scenery pictures..... hundreds and hundreds actually. hehe. But I promise this afternoon I will make Brittany take a picture of me... we are making a seven peaks outing. huzzah!


  1. Melanie, I feel so bad that we didn't get to see you. We totally ran out of time! I want to see your cute pregnant belly! I've always loved your scenery pictures, but what I really want to see is you. Hope all's well.

  2. You're Preggers?!!?!?!!
    I"m so happy for you congrats!

  3. i like this new blog. it's very stylish. like you.



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