Tuesday, May 25, 2010


What do you think of the new design with bigger photos? Too big? Sometimes it's rough being a graphic designer, because I want to redesign everything like I change my socks... Daniel has made me promise not to redesign my logo... I promise you I would of probably redesigned my logo another oh...20 times by now....But here I am getting sidetracked... what do you think?


  1. love it!! yay for designer you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Looks great. You have a wonderful blog. I wish I knew how to redesign my blog.

  4. I like the big pics - I mean that's why we all come here right? To see pics of Maggie (cough cough) I mean you?

  5. Poor friend, I bet you cringe when you check my blog. I "designed" that title on Microsoft Paint in like 15 minutes nearly two years ago. Sorry! I know what you mean though, only for me its words. I'll read back through a blog post I wrote a month or so before and notice typos and the what not and I have to change it. Even if nobody but me will ever read it again.

    Your blog is very visually pleasing.

  6. Makes me wish I had a bigger monitor...
    But go with it. It's your blog! And you have a de-normous monitor.

  7. love it. although i have to scroll to the right to see all the pictures. it's fun though, i wish my pictures were a bit larger! love ya mel!



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