Monday, March 15, 2010

maggie baby

Two people I talk to everyday: Maggie and my mom.

They say you always end up becoming like your mother, I hope it is true.
I have a lot to live up to :)

P.S. Isn't Maggie getting big?


  1. Love them both and love you too!

  2. Its true your mom is wonderful :) I look up to her too and often think to myself, "what would my aunt bev do." Glad things are going well for you.

  3. true that! i love your mom, she is so wonderful, you are a lucky lady! are you coming to san diego any time soon?? i want to see that cute baby of yours:)

  4. seriously mel she is adorable! i need to come see her again...

  5. She's gorgeous Mel! And seriously I (ALMOST) didn't enjoy La Boheme at the Met without you! Come visit so we can be cultural together.

  6. Beautiful photo. I don't know if I have seen a better one of Mom. Made my day!



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